Your Donation Options

Thank you for your desire to support our ministries in a such tangible way. You have several ways to send your donation to us. First, make sure of the exact “Fund” you wish to donate your gift to. For the definitions of our various Ministry Funds, please see the list at the bottom of this page. And here are your giving options:

  1. E-transfer - Login to your online or mobile banking and transfer your gift to A security question is not required. Please include your full name, address and ministry fund you would like your gift given to in the message. These donors will recieve a charitable giving tax receipt from the church after the year end.

  2. Donations by Cheque or Money Order - Please print out and complete this TAC Giving Form (click) and send that to us with your cheques or money orders written to “Toronto Alliance Church”. These donors will recieve a charitable giving tax receipt from the church after the year end.

  3. Pre-Authorized Monthly Giving - These can be set-up for those who request them. Please print out and complete this TAC Giving Form (click) and send that with a void cheque to our office with instructions on how much you would like to give, how often, and to which Ministry Fund you are designating the donation (See list at the bottom of this page). These donors will receive a charitable giving tax receipt from the church after the year end.

  4. CanadaHelps Online Donations - To donate online, please complete the form below, being sure to choose from the pulldown menu the exact “Fund” you wish to donate to. To do so, click on the small arrow to the right of the fund titled “General Fund” and reveal all the available designated funds, choosing the one you desire. Donors through CanadaHelps will receive a charitable giving tax receipt directly from CanadaHelps.

CanadaHelps Form (complete only for option 4)

List & Definitions of Ministry Funds

‘General Fund’ - for the general budget needs of the ministries, staffing and core services of Toronto Alliance Church.

‘Children & Parkdale Ministry Fund’ - for programs of youth and children’s ministries in Parkdale.

‘Community Night Ministry Fund’ - for programs and services of Community Night, food bank, and other compassionate work.

‘Ministry Leadership Development Fund’ - for programs and services of training for ministry leadership skills.

‘ReBuild Building Purchase Fund’ - for the purchase of a property, building and costs related to the purchase.

  • Special Policy Note - All donations that have been directed towards a specific ministry, program or ministry objective of Toronto Alliance Church will be applied to that specific ministry as per the donor’s request. However, where the need for such a program or objective has been met or cannot be fulfilled for any unforeseeable reason, we will use these funds to meet another pressing need.